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Beverage Development

We Breathe life into your brand!


Beverage Development

We Breathe life into your brand!

are you Developing a new beverage brand or improving your existing product? We develop world class beverage formulas and create award winning packaging design!

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Beverage Formulation

Beverage Formulation

Its as easy as one, two, three!

  1. Ideation - Using a combination of your ideas and our teams extensive experience in formulating beverages, we will help you to refine your concept into a commercially viable product that tastes great and is economical to produce.

  2. Procurement - Our ingredients procurement team will source the best quality ingredients at the lowest prices and have these raw materials shipped to our beverage science lab.

  3. Lab - Once we have procured all of the base materials the development process will start by putting together your first round of samples for you to evaluate. We will use your feedback as well as feedback from our internal team to refine your drinks.

It usually take about 3 rounds of development to get to a finished product. Each time a round is complete we will send samples to you to make sure we are make the improvements you specify.

If you would like to join us in the lab to speed up the process we welcome the collaboration, if you prefer the samples can be shipped via Fedex so you can do the sensory evaluation the comfort of your own home or office. Request Free Information >


Beverage Packaging Design

Beverage Packaging Design

Creative direction & experienced designers making magic!

  1. Packaging Selection - the first step is to select the perfect packaging for your beverage. This takes into account current packaging trends, serving size, cost and a number of other important factors. Request Free Information >

  2. Label Design - Once you have the right packaging selected our creative team will work with you to understand your core consumer and the look and feel that would be most appealing to that group of customers as well as the best way to communicate the core values of the brand. Our designers will prepare a variety of designs for you to get started to determine direction and then refine the label into a finished product with your input all along the way. As with formulation this is usually a three round process but there is no limit to creativity so the process will continue until your design is perfected.

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  3. Technical Information - Our technical team will provide all of the FDA, TTB and other specifications required on a beverage label to make sure you are compliant with all regulations. Once we have all of this information our designers will apply this and the finishing touches to the label for your final approval.

  4. Vendor Selection - Bevgrow works with an extensive array of beverage raw material supplier and will source the cans, bottles, labels, caps and any other packaging you will need to produce your products. We also assist in procurement of raw material.

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world class beverage development

world class beverage development

The final stages of refining and launching are critical . . .

  1. Pilot Production - Now that you have finished developing your new beverage brand it is time to bring your idea to life! We suggest a small scale pilot production to see how your product acts in a mass production environment. Checking packaging, flavor, color, sweetness and all other aspects of the beverage and seeing where there might be room for improvement. Request Free Information >

  2. Market testing - Now that you have refined your brand and product it is time to go to market. It is best practice to test your beverages on a small scale before you mass market the brand. It is much easier and less expensive to learn on a small scale.

  3. Refining - During the market testing phase you will get a lot of feedback from the distributor, retailer and consumer. This information will be the final point of refinement prior to your first mass production and push into the broader market.

  4. Launching - When you feel you are ready to tackle local, regional and national marketing and distribution, Bevgrow can help you to put a strategy and a budget in place. We have a network of distributors, brokers and retailers across the country to help you bring your new beverage brand to people everywhere.

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